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X-Valentines Day

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Why Do Ghouls Fall in Love | Monster High




Cupid is the Roman god of Love known as Eros. Eros was a child

god and was seen with the god Aphrodite, not as her child but

 just seen with her. Eros came into existence himself from text. Eros was male and female. Cupid's name means "desire" or "erotic love". He is usually represented with wings, a bow and arrow; and sometimes blindfolded.

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Cupid is two-faced in nature. Like the yin/yang or gemini. His brother's name is


Anteros, the revenger of slighted love.


Slighted meaning lacking strength, substance and solidity. Or rather lustful, willful


desires that enslave being disregarded.

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Cupid focuses on the soulish, sensual, and fleshy feelings of love. In the ancient greek and greek words for love written in the bible. There are 4 forms of Love.


   That is, STORGE, which is parental affection and the instinctive protection a parent or animal has for their young. 


There is, AGAPE. God's love which is to love unconditionally.


Third, PHILIA, which means to have a fondness for, friendship and liking.


And fourth, EROS, erotic ,inflated love.


Eros without a bond of friendship and true commitment; and even just focusing on only eros. Leads to lusts, impure desires, FORNICATION and ADULTERY.


Eros' arrows when they pierce the heart through covetousness makes


them victims of erotic pleasure.The bible says,


Psalms 11:2

For, lo, the wicked bend their bow, they make ready their arrow

upon the string, that they may

privily shoot at the upright in heart.

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Cupid has been seen with winged, rosy faced babies known as the Amorini as

messengers of love. In other ways I believe this glorify's pedophilia. 

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So, why red for Valentine's Day? 


Well, the color of red is a blood red , scarlet red color. A hot red, warning red , and an angry red. Red is strong and resembles the color of our heart. Red conjures  together strong emotions of the will of a person. Studies reveal that the color red raises blood pressure. It's also associated with the natural flush of the cheeks. It represents power and the red carpet for celebrities.


Red flashing lights are associated with danger, stop signs and warning signs. That why sometimes on Valentine's Day they come out with a

scary movie with the theme being Valentine.

Some people think the heart symbol is a symbol for the heart. Though today we use it as that. The symbol was traditionally used for Valentine's Day as a symbol of fertility.


Because Valentine's Day is celebrated as such. The heart symbol is really the symbol for the Uterus, the reproductive organ of a women. See here:


Love potions in movies such as "Love Potion # 9" show drastic measures people will take for love  through witchcraft or spells. Here's a clip of a similar movie theme of this in this trailer.


Note that this trailer is aimed at young children. Taking there heart and enslaving them through programming to desire and lust. 


 And say for instance you like Valentine's Day they will through in movies that will

enhance the agenda of the occult further programming the gullible.

This movie shows how people sometimes don't know what love is and it reeks havoc in  their relationships with others; and their life. Well, in the case of this one man. Who has  had multiple relationships that had led to sex and they ended. Showing the mirage of

feelings versus's reality when it comes to real love.  The face of cupids deception of fleshy feelings versus God's way of love of the inner person.

It's funny how Satan uses this to bring people into bondage, fornication and sin. Part of these lusty love stories is about taking revenge,

being vengeful to win and for some sacrificing there morals. You won't find God in these shows but self worship through the appeasing,

to the satisfying of their desire. That truly is never satisfied. In the clip we see the blood red carpet, flowers and even a burning centerpiece.

All these symbols represent sin.

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In these shows that feature people competing for love. They are actually throwing away people's hearts. But the contestants sign up for this. The bible says, 




1 Timothy 6:10 

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.


But so it would be for chasing after love. Piercing themselves with the arrows of grief, shipwrecking their lives; and for Christians.





Ecclesiastes 2:11

Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labour that I had laboured to do: and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun.




So can be the labour of love . God first loved us. Sometimes he loves with no thank you in return.


So what is true love, to obey God, know God and be connected to God. The bible says,




1 John 4:8

 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.




Ecclesiastes 9:1

 For all this I considered in my heart even to declare all this, that the righteous, and the wise, and their works, are in the hand of God: no man knoweth either love or hatred by all that is before them.


Some of us need to be reminded before peradventure we seek as though we think the grass is greener on the otherside this.




Ecclesiastes 1:9

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.


Lord Jesus, forgive us for the depravity we have endured because of not knowing you. And help us do your will in knowing you, who is love. Amen

Okay, so who was Saint Valentine...? Well, so do many raise the question. Because there are different facades of the facts based on history. Saint Valentine was a virgin who had supposedly never known fornication. Saint Valentine was used to reinvent their occult fertility festival, known as Lupercalia. Valentine means strong and healthy. It raises the fact that they worshiped what they new not because they wanted something. In this case fertility. An example of these strong superstitous ungodly acts would be, if you think of white fur it may give you wealth.


But instead of superstitions today. We have scientist who think they have the answers. Yes who think they do in a society who dictates by their own opinions and not God's. Not to say that superstitions don't exist today.



Okay, Lupercalia comes from the orgin of the word Lupus which means wolf. The God of


 Lupercalia is Lupercus ,which means God of  shepherds.So basically a wolf in sheeps clothing. Lupercus brought fertility to the flocks. Lupa was the she-wolf a prostitute. Where her


festival Larentalia appears December 23rd. Today we see the holly berries around


Christmas that symbolize fertility.


So, what's wrong with symbols of fertility, if God said be fruitful and multiply? 

Well, these symbols are not from God and don't symbolize the Christian God who gives

 fertility. These things represent demons and Lucifer's robbing of God to steal the truth from you.


Have we made man our God with IVF fertilization procedures?


IVF invitro-fertilization uses a significant amount of a woman's eggs to produce only 2


good embryos. Because some arrest there


development into a embryo, a normal process. But is it outside of the womb normal? If


our body is the temple of God, those eggs are


Gods eggs.

What about Valentine Cards?


Valentine cards have been given since the middle ages. It was very


 neo-pagan and still is in very much the same way today.

One of the biggest examples of cupid hitting our hearts was in America as through a man running for the Whitehouse, Barack Obama.

Satan pierced our hearts with his venomous words of deceit. This silver tongued devil bewitched America with a new hope.


Being a new Christian feeling desperate for CHANGE I fell for it hook, line, and sinker! Even though the truth was in front of my eyes with the stories of being a Muslim and being under Jeremiah Wright’s teaching for 20 years but that didn’t matter.




Obama on inauguration day would not in thought and deliberately messed up the pledge to hold up the constitution and also brought to the inauguration day his own bible on which to swear on. And if it was a Quran, the Quran says it’s okay to lie in order to get your agenda done.


He stole the heart of the people with a deceptive marriage proposal. Stating that he would marry the hopes of the people and investors make good on his Word. Fulfill his duty to overcome and give what the bible would speak of.


  Daniel 8:23-25 says

And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.

And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

People have applied these verses toward


Barack Obama

 They fit his antichrist spirit



Just as Hitler in Germany, Satan whitewashed our minds with lies of a new day.


This is the antichrist spirit!


In the end walking up with a hangover from hell seeing the path of destruction! With the talk of peace and safety Obama wanted our guns after a multitude of mass shootings (WINK!) on his watch, making sodomy legal through marriage, and all while forging a new Middle East  with a creation of a new boogieman as Countries toppled to appear as a good thing. All done with his absence of the word terrorist Isis was created through Obama’s Muslim ties. That started being exposed with hiding gun running in Benghazi attack.




As images of propaganda came in through the TV and internet



 one image of blood stained stripes on a wall.









God exposed the truth through Obama’s new flag that was sold when


 he was running for President.








This was all done with the assistance of Hillary Clinton.


They did this carnage side by side to


destroy our Country and the world.




Even after Obama was leaving Clinton was running for the presidency


to continue to stay in Whitehouse.


We saw cupid’s power at work as Clinton bewitched her minions to


vote her in.



Praise God that didn’t happen.



 Hillary’s spell was still working with her voters even though


she didn’t win the Whitehouse.






Barack Obama

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last time this happened I created this video

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