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LOVE finding a Biblical church

1828 edition of Webster's American Dictionary 




LOVE, v.t. luv. [L. libeo, lubeo. See Lief. The sense is probably to be prompt, free, willing, from leaning, advancing, or drawing forward.]

1. In a general sense to be pleased with; to regard with affection, on account of some qualities which excite pleasing sensations or desire of gratification. We love a friend, on account of some qualities which give us pleasure in his society. We love a man who has done us a favor; in which case, gratitude enters into the composition of our affection. We love our parents and our children, on account of their connection with us, and on account of many qualities which please us. We love to retire to a cool shade in summer. We love a warm room in winter. we love to hear an eloquent advocate. The christian loves his Bible. In short, we love whatever gives us pleasure and delight, whether animal or intellectual; and if our hearts are right, we love God above all things, as the sum of all excellence and all the attributes which can communicate happiness to intelligent beings. In other words, the christian loves God with the love of complacency in his attributes, the love of benevolence towards the interest of his kingdom, and the love of gratitude for favors received.

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind -

Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Matt. 22.


2. To have benevolence or good will for. John 3.



LOVE, n.

1. An affection of the mind excited by beauty and worth of any kind, or by the qualities of an object which communicate pleasure, sensual or intellectual. It is opposed to hatred. Love between the sexes, is a compound affection, consisting of esteem, benevolence, and animal desire. Love is excited by pleasing qualities of any kind, as by kindness, benevolence, charity, and by the qualities which render social intercourse agreeable. In the latter case, love is ardent friendship, or a strong attachment springing from good will and esteem, and the pleasure derived from the company, civilities and kindness of others.

Between certain natural relatives, love seems to be in some cases instinctive. Such is the love of a mother for her child, which manifests itself toward an infant, before any particular qualities in the child are unfolded. This affection is apparently as strong in irrational animals as in human beings.

We speak of the love of amusements, the love of books, the love of money, and the love of whatever contributes to our pleasure or supposed profit.

The love of God is the first duty of man, and this springs from just views of his attributes or excellencies of character, which afford the highest delight to the sanctified heart. Esteem and reverence constitute ingredients in this affection, and a fear of offending him is its inseparable effect.


2. Courtship; chiefly in the phrase, to make love, that is, to court; to woo; to solicit union in marriage.


3. Patriotism; the attachment one has to his native land; as the love of country.


4. Benevolence; good will.

God is love. 1John 4.


5. The object beloved.

The lover and the love of human kind.


6. A word of endearment.

Trust me, love.


7. Picturesque representation of love.

Such was his form as painters, when they show their utmost art, on naked loves bestow.


8. Lewdness.

He is not lolling on a lewd love-bed.


9. A thin silk stuff. Obs.

Love in idleness, a kind of violet.

Free of love, a plant of the genus Cercis.

I put the whole definition of LOVE on this page because there is a MAJOR difference between God's love and mans.



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Man's love is imperfect but with God it can be quite a blessing like a small little church in Pittsburgh that God made my first church. They had to shut their doors this weekend. This was my letter to them.


To the congregation of Turtle Creek, my family,


I was deeply saddened to hear the news of the church closing its doors. Words can’t express the heartbreak I feel and I know a lot of you feel the same. I knew I needed to write to you all before I see you all on Sunday. First of all I want to thank all of you for the love you poured into my life. Since the first day I walked in the door and God gave me a new home. Every time I get to share my testimony it begins with that little church on the dead end street that helped start my new life as a Bible believing Christian. As I came in into the church I felt the love right away with a room full of grandparents and a new family.

           I love every one of you with an everlasting love and thank you all for the memories that will last until I take my last breath. That first year of my new life was such a blessing from God. As God was nurturing and forming my new life you were all there for me helping to the same. Even as the bird left the nest to fly I knew I could always come home to my church family. For an encouraging word or for just a hug. You guys were always there for me and I thank you. There was a lot of joy I had in the church like being apart of the flea market or fellowship after church. There also was a lot of sadness like losing members of our family, the first being while was there was Pastor Horst. 


         One of the biggest blessings I had was running the camera and after I knew it was my first responsibility from God. This brings me to a story both concerning Pastor Horst. First how important it was for that Sunday broadcast was for so many people. Pastor told me story one time about a letter saying how this lady was a shut in and she was fully dress up with earring and with her hair all fixed up. She would sit and watch service every week in her Sunday best. So I knew from that point how important it was for us to be on TV because you never knew who would watch like a person needing salvation. I made sure that I wanted the person watching to feel they were there in the sanctuary.

 This brings me to my other story involving Pastor Horst. I just started making signs (Bible quotes or a encouraging word) to put under the regular welcome sign for the camera.


The Pastor was in the hospital. I was going to print a sign for the morning and I ran out of ink. I cried out to God what do I do. God told me to write the sign myself and write the word LOVE. I told God my handwriting was not good and He said write it as a child would. So I did what I was told and took out some markers and wrote out the word LOVE even put the letter E backwards as a child would. That morning God used me to give us a message because He knew we were grieving about the Pastor. I praise God for using me to bless you all in our time of need. 


Well God be with you all and I pray that God will fill this loss something new. Well remember when we pray to God for something we usually don’t get it. 


HE GIVES US SOMETHING BETTER….. I love you all.. God bless…..Ethan


I'm not lifting up a church! No denomination or being in a church

 building can or will save you. They all have been created by man 

and we are imperfect.  It is good to be around BIBLE BELIEVING 

CHRISTIANS. I pray that you can find believers in a church building

but early believers met in small church homes. Large churches

doesn't mean their Godly.

It is hard finding a church... pray and pray more for guidance in picking a church......






My advice is to pray for discernment but

the best advice is in God's word


Matthew 18:20 kjv:

 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there 

am I in the midst of them.







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