It's flat!
​America's Occult Holidays - by Doc Marquis
Thus saith the Lord,
Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
Fixed Ritual Days
Jan. 01 No name
Jan. 07 St. Winebald Day
(Blood Rituals)
Animal and/or human sacrifice and dismemberment
Jan. 13 Satanic New Year
Jan. 17 Satanic Revels Sexual Ritual)
Jan.20 to Feb.2 (Sexual & Blood Rituals)
Abduction, ceremonial preparation & holding of sacrificial victim for Candlemas
and human sacrifice
Feb. 01 Olmelc
Feb. 02 Candlemas, Satanic Revels
(Sexual & Blood Rituals)
human and/or animal sacrifice
Feb. 25 St. Walpurgis Day
Communion of blood and dismemberment
Mar. 01 St. Eichatadt
(Blood Ritual)
Drinking of human blood for strength and homage to Satan
Mar. 20 Equinox Feast Day
Mar. 21 Spring Equinox
(Orgy Ritual)
human and/or animal sacrifice
Apr. 6th Good Friday
(Blood Ritual) Human Sacrifice
"Good Friday" is the beginning of satanic high days that are celebrated throughout the weekend
Apr. 7th (Easter Eve)
(Blood Ritual) Human sacrifice
Apr. 21 to 26 Preparation for the Sacrifice
Apr. 21 to 29 Preparation time for sacrifice
Apr. 26 Grand Climax
Apr. 30 Beltane
Apr. 30 Walpurgisnacht
Apr. 30 Solstice
(Sexual and Blood Rituals)
Abduction, ceremonial preparation & holding of sacrificial victim for Walpurgisnacht
and human sacrifice
Animal or human sacrifices on April 30th
May 01 Grand Climax
May 01 Initiation Night
May 01 Beltane fertility festival
Fire Festival, Coven Initiations
(Fire and Orgy Rituals)
Jun. 20 No name
Jun. 21 Feast Day
(Date Varies)
(Sexual and Blood Rituals)
and human and/or animal sacrifice
Jun. 22 Solstice 1, Summer Solstice
Jun. 23 No name
Jul. 01 Demon Revels
(blood sacrifice)
Activity: Druids sexual association with demons
Age: Any age (female)
Mid-July Bohemian Grove
(see BabylonAmerica page)
A group of the Elite that meets for a 2-week encampment every year around the middle of July
The Cremation of Care,” the ceremony traditionally opens the midsummer gathering for the wealthy and powerful Bohemians at their 2,700-acre enclave.
The Cremation of Care ritual involves the burning of a human effigy at the foot of a massive owl statue, symbolizing the Bohemians’ casting off “dull care.2012 July Saturday 14th - Sunday July 29th
(Sexual and Blood Rituals)
Abduction,Child abuse, and human sacrifice
Jul. 20 to Jul. 27
date varies annually ~ 5 weeks, 1 day after Summer Solstice
(Sexual and Blood Rituals)
Abduction, ceremonial preparation & holding of sacrificial victim for Lammas Day
and human sacrifice
Jul. 25 No name
Jul. 26 No name
Jul. 31 Lammas
Aug. 01 Lammas (Blood Ritual)
Animal and/or human sacrifice
Aug. 01 Festival of First Fruits
Aug. 03 Satanic Revels
(Sexual Ritual)
Aug. 24 No name
Sep. 07 Marriage to Beast Satan
(Orgy and Blood Rituals)
All females (especially children) in the cult are married to Satan, in full bridal wear
animal and/or human sacrifice, dismemberment
Sep. 19 No name
Sep. 20 Midnight Host
Sep. 20 to 23 Autumn Equinox
Also known as "Midnight Host"
(Blood Ritual)
Dismemberment, hands removed of victim for the "Hands of Glory" to Satan
Sep. 21 Autumn Equinox
Sep. 22 Equinox Feast Day
Sep. 23 Fall Equinox
(Orgy Ritual)
human and/or animal sacrifice
Oct. 13 Continuous High Holiday
Oct.28 to Nov.4
(Blood Rituals)
Abduction, ceremonial preparation & holding of sacrificial victim for All Hallows Eve
Human Sacrifice
Oct. 29 All Hallows Eve
Oct. 31 Halloween
Also known as Samhain
(Sexual and Blood Rituals)
Sexual association with demons called up, and animal and/or human sacrifice
Nov. 01 Halloween
Nov. 04 Satanic Revels
(Sexual Ritual)
Dec. 21 No name
Dec. 22 Solstice 3, Winter Solstice
(Sabbat Festival)
(Sexual Ritual)
Dec. 22 Solstice Feast Day
Dec.23 Yule
Dec. 24 Demon Revels
(High Grand Climax)
(Orgy and Blood Rituals)
Sexual association with demons called up, and animal and/or human sacrifice
Note: Human sacrifices occur from Christmas Eve through New Year’s Day.
Dec. 24 Grand High Climax
Dec. 25 Christmas
Movable Ritual Days
Easter Weekend (HC)
Easter Sunday (MR)
Good Friday (SA)
US Thanksgiving (HC)
Ash Wednesday (MR)
Ascension (MR)
Pentecost (MR)
Corpus Christi (MR)
1st Sun. of Advent (MR)
Periodic Meetings
Every 2nd Saturday at 11 PM (MR)
Every Friday night(S1)
Every 3rd Thursday (S2)
At full moons (TS)
On the Satanist’s birthday (UH, DA, EE)
An actual Satanic day
Year 2009; year-long Feast of the Beast (EE)
Friday The 13th’s
An Individual’s Birthday that has had
involvement with the occult and /or other
Muslim observances.